Thursday, October 24, 2019

No. 53 / 2005

Happy Halloween!!  ðŸŽƒ 

I made it to 'the other side'!  This is the first post I'm doing from a public wi-fi connection outside a McDonalds somewhere West of the Mississippi.  (I'm being vague on purpose.) What is important is that the house was sold and although it was a pretty tough ride a lot of things have worked out and I believe I'm coming along okay for a 'homeless' man.

As you know, this again will just be a bare-bones post with none of the extras I enjoyed so much adding for each issue.  All that means is when the final issues post this year, it won't be over with yet because I will come back and finish the job.

So far I've uploaded all four movies from the "Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume One" and you can find those links under the introduction to Scarlet Street #50 (July 2019 post).  I eventually want to upload all 14 Basil Rathbone-Nigel Bruce films but I believe it will probably take a while.  Still, it's something I look forward to.

So here's wishing you all a wonderful Happy Halloween Season.  It will be my 60th Halloween this year!  Let's make it a good one. Until next time (next month) as the dear local TV Horror Host I used to watch as a kid, Sir Graves Ghastly would say, "Happy Haunting!"